Welcome to the Family! At Liberty Grove, we strive to make everyone feel welcome and to create a culture that is inclusive. We are one, big, happy family and we would love to get to know you! Feel out a connect card so that we can reach out to you. You can also contact us by filling out the form below. You might even like to set up a time to meet with the pastor over coffee or lunch. See you soon!
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Our services are designed to make all feel welcome and a part of the family. Feel free to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people. In order to have room for the growth in attendance that we have seen over the past years, we are currently meeting in our Family Life Center (Down the Hill).