Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Our Men's Group gathers on the first Saturday of every month for breakfast and fellowship. We use this time grow in our relationship with God and with one another, as well as take part in a devotion led by guest speakers. We believe that men can be more transparent about our Spiritual lives and can testify to God's work in us. We also plan and execute work days at the church and help out with a few projects for those who are in need.
There is also a Men's Bible Study every Tuesday morning at 6AM in the Family Life Center. This time is used to dig into God's Word and have discussion on practical life situations.
There is also a Men's Bible Study every Tuesday morning at 6AM in the Family Life Center. This time is used to dig into God's Word and have discussion on practical life situations.